Sunday, 27 December 2009

MyPOD v0.985Beta released

* There have been some changes to the way unlock keys are handled - you need to keep the unlock app installed now (This stops people cancelling and still having an unlocked version).
* Paypal payment option available.
* fixes for hero phones (hide the keyboard popups). As I just got one.
* built in movie player.
* handle youtube urls in view feed.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

MyPOD v0.981Beta released

* re-enabled pause on ring - with a preference to disable it as some have experienced a bug in android where he ring app crashes !!

If you are having problems with it then PLEASE LET ME KNOW - I don't want you to miss that call.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

MyPOD v0.98Beta released

MyPOD remote interface.

The MyPOD remote interface is a browser application you can use from your desktop. At the moment I have rated it experimental - but it seems to test OK. So I need to know how it works for others.

For this reason, I have buried it in Preferences>Under Development>Remote Service (Experimental)
Just hit start and email yourself the URL.

Far from finished - needs downloads and preferences screens, search and sort, etc. But MyPOD remote interface does already deliver enhanced usability. The main uses are to add/edit feeds, and to use the phone remotely form you desktop/netbook while plugged into the stereo.

It only works on a local WIFI network.

Known issues:
  • Streaming doesn't seem to work too well for some reason - best to download the files first.
  • Also might be a problem saving feeds on safari.
  • Dont even bother asking me to make it work in IE, it's not going to happen, as it's just too crappy - just install chrome frame.
Sorry I haven't gotten onto more of your requests - they are on the list and I'll be getting onto them over the next month.

Thanks very much for all the feedback, it really helps and keep it coming!


Sunday, 22 November 2009

MyPOD v0.972Beta released

* fix position rememberance issue
* fix bad url with spaces

Thursday, 19 November 2009

MyPOD v0.971Beta released

* fix bad position on addfeeds on cupcake
* increase precision of position saving.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

MyPOD v0.97Beta released

* popup option for file info on downloaded files.
* user feedback for click item on welcome and add screen.
* various force close fixes (5).
* fixed history problem in browser while drilling into feed.
* Updated help files for 5 screens.
* fixed popup windows not scrolling, made list items bigger.
* removed delete and reload buttons from the toolbar on the dl files screen to save a bit of clutter - they are on the popup menu anyway.
* prompt to save tag if not already when back is pressed, auto capitalise tag.

This version was compiled using 1.6 (eclair) - which is on my phone. Hope this doesnt cause issues (it shouldn't) but let me know if it does ...

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

MyPOD v0.96Beta released

* fixed a dump when delting a feed.
* handle keyboard flipout changes
* fix bad file reloads
* forums released on website

MyPOD forums now available.

MyPOD forums are a simple way for users to have more input and feedback into MyPOD, share infos about their experience and expectations of the app.

If you like (or dislike) MyPOD then maybe when you have a few seconds you can go to:

I would love to get a community of people who like the app happening so it can deliver more.


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

MyPOD v0.95Beta released

* added paging for feed (fixed 30 items/page for the moment) for faster loading.
* fix bugs while getting feed.
* translucent menu bars.
* fix bug that caused not listened items to be deleted before listened ones.
* version info & check for new on prefs page

Saturday, 31 October 2009

MyPOD v0.94Beta released

* Added more control on getfeed
* Warning message about UI taking a while to respond on play second file
* Added progress bar for listened percentage on downloaded files screen
* Fix bug where feed is added without edit check causes no feeds to display on view feed.
* Message long click delete feed
* Prompt check feed if not successfully checked so far.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

MyPOD v0.93Beta released

* fix update feed bug on home page - not cancelling
* fix welcome screen hang if left on for a while
* fix google search URL
* fix crash on edit feed when limit reached
* update unlock app to check necessary conditions

Monday, 26 October 2009

MyPOD v0.92Beta released

* Welcome screen added - what do people think (feel free to leave a comment)
* Enter google search text bar added in add feeds - will have to check if this works in the US? (as only the address seems to work) can anyone tell me? anyone, anyone .. Bueller, Bueller.
* Mute on phone call suspended - seems to be a crash (NOT in my code) when the app get the callers photo. I have commented out the feature until i can find a work around.
* Raise default space pref to 500Mb (from 200Mb) - can be changed in the preferences page.
* Added news blog/podcast :
or the web site:
* Add delete all button.
* Add save check on edit feed.

Still really need to get more feedback to make the app as stable and usable as possible - your opinions count!

MyPOD version 0.91 Beta Released

This is the initial beta release of MyPOD, the best podcast manager on Android.

We desperately looking for feedback, if you have anything to add - we would love to hear from you! (Just go to Preferences > Feedback.)

To download the app, you can go to market://search?q=pname:org.my_pod.mypod
